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Art Inspiration: The Lamb of God


Agnus Dei (The Lamb of God) by Francisco de Zurbaran 1635-1640

I first saw The Lamb of God when I was sitting in the auditorium of my art history survey class. It was projected on a screen the size of a large auditorium wall. This piece at that scale was incredible.

The Lamb of God represents the best of the Spanish Baroque period in my mind. I'm drawn to the stark treatment of the subject. I've seen hundreds of depictions of Jesus on the cross, but none have impacted me the way that this piece has. The realistic lamb has a vulnerability that evokes empathy.

This piece was painted by Francisco de Zurburan who is sometimes referred to as the Spanish Caravaggio because of his virile use of chiaroscuro. I've always been drawn to the drama chiaroscuro and tenebrism that is characteristic of the Baroque period in general. Zurburan adds psychic depth to the drama with the subdued tones and choice in subject matter.

These qualities are something I'd like to represent in my own body of work going forward.

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